Member-based association for cryptocurrency investors

The Bitcoin-invest association helps its members gain exposure to cryptocurrency in a secure way.

The Bitcoin-invest Association

Everything you need to securely expose yourself to cryptocurrency.

We act as an association to promote legislation that supports investment exposure to crypto. In addition, we offer assistance with crypto trading, secure crypto storage, AML law, tax law, and auditing for our active members.

What we provide

Powerful new services for solving challenges


Avoid tax problems with cryptocurrencies.


Use of proper IT-security.


Ongoing supervision of the investment and supervision of the trader.


Proper due diligence of the parties involved.

Above 500.000 euro?

For clients who have more than 500.000 euro crypto in custody, special prices are available.


Timeframe for crypto investing is usually 4 years.


Membership types

Active membership
EUR 1.000 per year

In addition, EUR 500.000 or more must be invested through a B.I.A. approved trader, and 5% of the investment profit is paid from the member’s cryptocurrency managed by the B.I.A-approved trader.

Receipt of news email with relevant news about cryptocurrency in Denmark
Right to attend general meetings
The right to vote at general meetings
Help finding, creating and setting up accounts on suitable Exchanges (eg Binance and Bitstamp)
Affiliated trader that you choose from B.I.As network that acts on behalf of the member via API access
Ongoing overview of gains / losses and remuneration to the trader
Help with the legal setup, including drafting contracts between you and the trader
Help with tax for the Danish Tax Agency
Help with auditing